How old is Miles today?

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beach Boy

On Sunday we ventured to the wild Pacific where Miles tasted everything he could get his hands on. The video below even has music. The transitions are a smidge fast but I don't know how to change that so if you want to see something for more than 2 seconds, hit the pause button.

Seven Months Tall

Aside from learning from my doctor that Miles is in the 95th percentile for length, evidence abounds that Miles is probably going to dwarf me by the time he is 10. For example, we ran into a 2-year-old at the bank who wanted to say hi to the baby. When I put Miles on the floor to "stand" by him, Miles and said 2-year-old were almost the same height.

Miles at 7 months.

In the backyard on Miles' 7 mo. birthday.

Happy Mother's Day!

Clapping in his new chair.

Smiling before dinner.

Bubble mullet.

More bubble mullet.

Peas? No Thank you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Wish All My Laundry Looked Like This

A few pictures from the beginning of May. More to appear soonish.

Miles takes a swing for the first time. He might not look excited, but it is just the Terminator shades. If he's wearing them, he has to look cool.

The whole fam enjoying the park.

Miles clearly knows he's sitting in the laundry basket and he is very, very busy.

It's like it's his very own clubhouse.

Out for his first ride in the wagon. Much squealing and laughing did ensue.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Miles Likes To Have His Picture Taken

Sending e-mails with photo attachments has sometimes been an all day task. Instead, dear friends and family, this will be a photo hosting blog with regularly updated pictures of Miles. I'll just send an e-mail letting you know when I have posted new photos.

To begin, here is a slideshow of Miles from birth to 6 months old.

Love love love.