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Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just Because It's February Doesn't Mean You Can't Look at Pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas

Well, yet again the old Miles blog is being updated just a little late...but never fear. I bring you good tidings of great joy!!! Unto us Miles was born...and he did all sorts of cute, adorable things that just make you want to kiss his little face right off. This time it's Nat that brings you the blog entry. Rhiannon is working hard on her thesis right now and has asked me to fill in for her while she finishes up her brilliant piece of work. So without any more wait....We'll start with the Thanksgiving holiday. Now, some of these pictures are of the whole fam, and some are just Miles, and some are pics of us with friends. However, all of these pictures are awesome.

The turkey is ready

The grill is ready

The turkey goes on the grill

Everything seems to be in order

A celebration of humankind's victory over fire and small game birds with red waddles

Mommy, Daddy, Miles, and Nicole and Brandon Farmer at breakfast

Miles and his daddy reading a story at breakfast

Miles and Mommy doing...something...but it's cute anyway

Miles after his first bar fight (the bars of his crib that is)

The following picture really doesn't do our dinner justice. We basically cooked for two days and grilled a 21 pound turkey for only 4 and 1/2 people. See, we had never cooked our own turkey before. We didn't know that the government buys 21 pound turkeys to feed the army. So we had leftovers. We had a lot of leftovers.

Our T-day spread

Now for the Christmas holiday. First up is a picture of our dining room. It was the first to be decorated after Thanksgiving. Rhiannon, Nicole, Brandon, and Miles did this while I was at work. The caption gives you the theme. If you don't understand, ask Rhiannon or watch the movie Elf.

The Elf room

He didn't know that it needs to come out of the box before it can be played with

That's more like it

The tree and stockings

You should see the other pictures

With Uncle Emil

Please note: The pile of presents next to Miles are all for him

Well, that about does it for this update. I hope you all enjoyed the pics. Rhi is a little better at this than I am, so hopefully she'll be up to doing the next one...Although, now that I think about it, we just might have another baby by then. And then we'll need another blog.......

Friday, November 2, 2007


Ay, thou art welcome, heaven's delicious breath! When woods begin to wear the crimson leaf,
And suns grow meek, and the meek suns grow brief
And the year smiles as it draws near its death. Wind of the sunny south! oh, still delay
In the gay woods and in the golden air,
Like to a good old age released from care,
Journeying, in long serenity, away.
In such a bright, late quiet, would that I
Might wear out life like thee, 'mid bowers and brooks
And dearer yet, the sunshine of kind looks,
And music of kind voices ever nigh;
And when my last sand twinkled in the glass,
Pass silently from men, as thou dost pass.
- William Cullen Bryant, October

October was a busy month for Miles. A day at the beach, a birthday, a sightseeing adventure, first time finger painting, and, of course, Halloween. He also mastered walking and has stolen many old ladies' hearts with his sweet little "Hi!" Enjoy!

Beach Log Exploration.

Miles working very hard on banging shells on driftwood...serious stuff.

Eating Shells...Salt-i-licious!

Happy First Birthday, Miles!

Miles tests his birthday present from Uncle Emil. "OOOO," he says.

Yes! I DO love cupcakes!

And I'll ham it up for the camera a bit...

...and a bit more... this, I'm hilarious...

..HA HA HA...

How about this great trick?

I can even eat my cupcake like this...


Miles and Mom at the Twin Peaks beach...we're (dorks) in front of The Laura Palmer Log.

More Twin Peaks beach and the Laura Palmer Log...Miles seems less than amused.

Miles checks out the Kiana Lodge. Lots of Twin Peaks was shot here.

Miles was very entertained by the vast amount of crawling space.


Miles's first work of art.

Or, Miles's first work of art. There was MUCH more paint on his face/in his mouth than on the page...

Happy Halloween! Miles the Lion fuels up with some cereal to prepare for his trick or treating debut.

Lions say ROAR! (Really, this one did too, though only when prompted.)

The lion and his pumpkin prepare.

Hitting the streets with dad. Downtown Bainbridge Island is blocked off and kids swarm all over the local businesses for candy. It was a smidge overwhelming for our brave little lion.

Miles makes a break for it....

...He plops down in the middle of the road to take a break from the crowd. (Don't be alarmed, the street was closed.)

It's all so exciting!

One more ROAR for the camera!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Swimmy Swim Pants McGee

Come one, come all to Miles' foray into the swimming pool world, now documented for you and you and you to see in multimedia!! WATCH the video as Miles splashes with delight! LISTEN to Miles' effort and his mother's high-pitched encouragement! FEEL the water on your skin that cools you in the midst of a 95-degree heat wave! SEE Miles in action with his family in the still photos provided!

Step right up! Step right up, boys and girls!

So fun to watch a first time, now, for the low low price of FREE, you can see it again!

The fam in the pool.

Daddy is happy and Miles is happy, but in a different happy-faced way.


A Mid-Year Resolution

No posts since May is pretty unacceptable, no? I shall endeavor to do better. Meanwhile, I have pictures to post from 7 to 8.5 months. Miles is eager to start walking and is hard at practice every day. Right now his favorite thing to do is crawl to the next room and play peek-a-boo around the doorway. It is basically really adorable!

Mini Mohawk. Miles always has a fun bathtime hairdo.

Miles loves his squash. This was a squash-in-the-yard picnic.

And some green beans. Note Grandpa's brazen attempt to sway Miles' NCAA allegiances...

Ready to go on a trip. This is how we avoid paying extra to the airlines.

Practicing standing. His shirt says, "My Dad Rocks!"

Playing in the window with Grandma!

In June, we took a trip to Boise and Miles' rode in a plane for his second time. He was a model traveler and basically just practiced jumping on my legs the entire flight. This is the two of us in the airport waiting to board.

Miles on the plane.

Miles playing with his new girlfriend, Ariana. She is 3 months older than Miles and was challenging him to a standing contest.